Renewal or resumption of flying competences

All student- and flying competences, which are not already renewed, will expire on December 31st 2023 and you need to do the following before you fly in 2024:

  1. Pay membership fees in Min Idrett (You will find your receipts HERE)
  2. Have completed electronic renewal/resumption of your competencies
    (You will find your competencies HERE)

You may find some help HERE

Your competencecard is only valid is only valid when membership fees and insurance is paid. Your insurance is only valid together with paid membership fees and a valid competence card.

A valid competence card can be renewed with a self-declaration from november 1st through december 31st each year. Expired competence cards needs to be resumed with an instructors approval.

You will need to renew/resume competences electronically through Min Idrett. You will find the e-course required in the table below

Level Hanggliding Paragliding Speedgliding Others
PPG/PHG with instructor
3 SP3 self declaration 
SP3 with instructor
PP3 self declaration
PP3 with instructor
SPG3 self declaration
SPG3 with instructor
4 SP4 self declaration
SP4 with instructor
PP4 self declaration
PP4 with instructor

SPG4 self declaration
SPG4 with instructor

5 SP5 self declaration
SP5 with instructor
PP5 self declaration
PP5 with instructor
SPG5 self declaration
SPG5 with instructor